Saturday, October 25, 2014

Historical Fiction Unit Info

Meeting Dates:

  • Core 3: 10/29, 11/6, 11/17
  • Core 4: 10/30, 11/5, 11/20
  • Core 5: 10/30, 11/5, 11/19
  • Core 6: 10/30, 11/5, 11/18

Meeting Info:

At each meeting, you will put your individual information together into a shared Google Doc.  Whoever is Discussion Director will be in charge of creating the final blog post at the end of the meeting.

You can negotiate rotating roles or stick with the same role for the entire book. The group must come to a unanimous decision about the roles and the schedule. Note: Each group must have a discussion director and a device director and no two students may do the same role for the same group at the same meeting.  The other jobs may be done on a rotating basis for the rest of the meetings.

****If you are in a group with students in various cores: you will put your info into the shared doc on Drive and read/respond to what others have posted.  After, please make a short appointment during study hall to meet with all of your group members in person to discuss and make the final blog post.


1. Discussion Director*: Your role is to come up with 4 thoughtful discussion questions for each group meeting. You will lead the discussion taking notes on your group’s responses. Questions must be thought provoking and debatable. You will post your questions with the discussion notes after every meeting on the blog page.  Connect historical context to current events.

2. Director of Rhetoric: You are the literary critic; your role is to note at least 5 important literary devices for each group meeting. You should look for things like irony, imagery, metaphor, symbolism, inciting moment, foil characters, and other significant devices. For each device include a cited quote or paraphrase. Also be sure to label the device. During the meeting, you will go over these devices
and examples for your group, allowing for discussion and questioning from other members. You will post your work at the end of each meeting on the blog page.

3. Art Director: As the artists in residence, your role is to create an artistic rendering of significance for each group meeting. You may draw from characters, events, mood, or other inspiration, but it must be significant and justifiable. You may be abstract or concrete, but either way your job is to explain your art to your group at each meeting. Art may be in the form of drawing, painting, photograph, collage, sculpture, crafting, or other mediums. You will add an image of the art to the shared doc on Drive after every meeting with a helpful caption explaining its significance.

4. Vocabulary Director: Your role is to pick out at least 5 difficult words from each section to bring to the meetings. You must write the word, the definition, and a properly cited quote that includes that word. During the meeting you will explain the meanings to your classmates, and develop quality sentences that use the new words. Be sure that the definition you select makes sense in context!  At each meeting, you will update the vocab list in a shared doc on Google Drive.

5. Context Director*: Your role is to investigate the historical context surrounding the novel. For each meeting, bring information on a major event, historical figure or other relevant historical information that ties in closely with the novel. You must write one page of handwritten or typed notes (bullet points are okay) with a proper citation. Do not use Wikipedia as a final source.

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